We can get so overwhelmed with all the bad news circulating at the moment, especially if you are at home self isolating. Here are some silver linings in what seems like very cloudy times….
Dublin Zoo remains closed to the public but you can watch live footage of the animals on their website. Feeding time is at 2.30pm every day.
A new social media trend started in Ireland and across the world last night where at 8pm people are to stop what they are doing and clap for our healthcare workers.
Student nurses and doctors on placement in Ireland will now be paid while working during the pandemic.
Shelter animals are being taken home in droves as people are taking advantage of their time at home by fostering or adopting cats and dogs who need homes.
94% of people tested for Covid-19 in Ireland have tested negative for the virus.
O’Neills have taken a break from making their usual sports attire and are now manufacturing protective healthcare gear.
United we stand, and in these times, divided we also stand. Keep the faith, keep busy, stay in contact with your loved ones, stay safe and wash your hands. This too shall pass.